Upcoming Sessions

Sacred Threads Quilters and More!June 2-5, 2025$335 Cabin Double Occupancy

$537 Cabin Single Occupancy

$200 Bunkhouse

$200 Commuter

(A non-refundable $75 deposit is required to hold any spot.)

Register at gocamping.org
Knowing God Through Nature–an Adult Retreat!June 16-20, 2025$499 Double Occupancy

$725 Single Occupancy

$299 Bunkhouse

$249 Commuter

(A non-refundable $75 deposit is required to hold any spot.)

Register at gocamping.org

To inquire about Wallowa Lake Camp hosting your event, please call 541-432-1271.

We need to receive your registrations no later than two weeks before the start of the event. Many events fill quickly so register early!